Heads up! If you manage your own IT, as most freelancers/solopreneurs/small businesses do, you likely have an Office 365 account and may find yourself the target of voicemail phishing scam.
Cybersecurity firm McAfee discovered a scam in which fraudsters are now faking voicemail notifications to steal Office 365 login credentials. The voicemails create a sense of urgency in the recipients. The high quality of the site they are sent to passes casual inspection, leading targets to be unaware of the fraud.
Be aware that the voicemail arrives via an HTML attachment to an email. In general, all attachments, regardless of source, should be regarded with a certain amount of skepticism. [Read: Microsoft Blocks 142 Potentially Malicious File Extensions]
Ready for a complete introduction to the cyber threats to freelance and other small businesses–and how you can protect yourself against them (without breaking the budget)? Check out our Freelancer’s Guide to Cybersecurity.
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